Readings, Workshops, Courses, Retreats, Womens' Moon Circles, Beauty, Massage & Therapies

Live Your Joy

Joy; this is the highest frequency currently available to us next to Love.

I bring my mixture of skills as a trained teacher (PGCE), beautician and holistic therapist and as an intuitive, channel and Angelic Medium to bring a mixture of workshops, courses, meditations, retreats, holistic therapies and readings to you to help support you find the joy in your life.

After experiencing extreme postnatal depression after the birth of my two sons in Australia, I have a real passion to help support women through the different phases of a woman's life, honouring puberty through to menopause and spreading the knowledge that everyone deserves a good birth. My workshops, courses and therapies support this through my work with Women's circles, workshops, courses and holistic therapies such as sacral womb massage, flower essences and crystals and essential oils. I run retreats to connect more deeply to our feminine and Goddess nature.

Just as everyone deserves a good birth; so does every soul deserve a good death but this is a taboo subject in the West. Yet it is a very sacred and unique journey of the Soul and it should be treated with reverence. I work as a Soul Midwife to do just this using a variety of healing and methods complimented by crystals, flower essences and sacred essential oils to support the transitioning soul and the loved ones who are left to grieve their loss. It is very sacred and special work but brings great healing and comfort.

Finally, I run coaching sessions that are tailored to areas in life that you would like to work on transforming into your highest potential, using my intuitive abilities and drawing upon my vast wealth of a toolkit of modalities!

How best can I use my repertoire of skills to support you to live in the Joy vibration?

Angelic and Fae Readings ©

Angelic Readings where I connect to the Angelic Realm to bring through guidance on a variety of topics love, career, family for your highest and best outcome. Fae readings where we connect with the Elemental realm to bring through your Fairy, mermaid or Unicorn Guide and their guidance for you in your topic of choice above and answer your questions. Readings can be carried out online or in person.

Workshops and Courses

As a qualified teacher and experienced educator, I run a variety of workshops of one day and longer and courses in holistic therapies as well as retreats. Amongst these are: Angelic Reiki 1 & 2, Angelic Reiki Master/Teacher, Crystal Reiki, 1, 2 & Master Teacher, Usui Reiki 1, 2 & Master/Teacher. Introduction to Flower Essences, Spiritual Development, Introduction to Crystals.

Holistic Therapies

I offer Crystal healing, Unicorn Soul Light Session © , Flower essence consultations, Theta Healing, Angelic Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Usui Reiki.

Beauty Therapies

As a trained beauty and spa therapist to NVQ 3, I offer beautiful facials, manicures, pedicures, full body massage, Indian Head Massage, Hopi Ear Candling using flower essences, essential oils of the highest vibration, Vegan and Organic products wherever possible made both myself as a licensed producer and using Young Living and Neal's Yard Organics products. The quality of the products that we place on our precious bodies is something that I am passionate about and have been ever since my daughter was in utero!

Womens' Bi-Monthly Moon Circles ©

Women coming together to support women at each new moon and full moon of the lunar month. Drink sacred Cacao, be led on a beautiful meditation to connect with the season energies of Nature. Set your intentions and let us weave our magic together in sacred space.

Sacred Retreats

Come and be held in the most beautiful sacred space as we work with the lunar and seasonal energies and the energy of our bodies mind and soul. Sometimes we journey with the Fae and sometimes we journey with the Divine Feminine.

Coaching with Cheryl ©

Coaching with Cheryl © I have been so blessed to help a lot of people with the Theta sessions that I offer. What is it that you need to succeed? I have held a variety of successful positions in different career pathways but what is it we need to feel really fulfilled and the best version of you? When we combine Theta belief work and healing with the magic of the Fae and flower essences together with my intuitive abilities as a psychic and Angel Medium then you can start to progress. Sometimes it is the belief of an ancestor or from a past life that is holding us back in life just because of a belief that was held here. Oftentimes this is lodged in the subconscious and simply needs to be replaced with a more useful belief. So it is with our beliefs around money, relationships, ourself, career. I know how to help you head towards whatever your goal may be. All packages can be bespoked although I offer a 7 month or 7 week generic package that will benefit everyone. If you book a session of six sessions then the seventh is free as long as you pay for these either all prior to six prior to commencement of the first session or the first 3 prior to commencement of the first session and then the second half prior to commencement of the fourth session.

Soul Midwifery

This is such a beautiful offering that is so close to my heart. I have had the privilege to be present at the bedside of the dying. All deaths are unique to the individual but not all are chosen by them. I assist the dying and their loved ones to have a good death. I believe this is the right of all of us. This is very sacred work and I combine healing with flower essences, support, meditation and essential oils all as part of this tailored sacred service.

Sacred Womb: Women's Services Menarche to Menopause & Beyond ©

Sometimes it can be difficult being a woman in a patriarchal society based upon technological advance. Our bodies and our souls I believe, are not designed to live as men and thus we have the root of many difficulties within our bodies. I offer flower essences, essential oils, womb blessings and rites, yoni steaming, crystal healing and sacral womb massage and the wisdom of my studies to work with issues to do with the menopause, menarche, fertility and perimenopause. These work beautifully in conjunction with conventional prescriptions and are not intended to replace any that you are under. Benefit from the seventh session free when you book six sessions and pay for either all six in advance of the first session or the first three and then pay for the remainder prior to commencement of the fourth session.

  • St Leonards On Sea, Hastings, Saint Leonards-on-sea, England, United Kingdom

Angel Medium Clairvoyant offers card readings in person and online, Beauty treatments and holistic treatments in person and online, Angelic Workshops in person and online. Women's circles, Retreats and Beauty and massage treatments. Flower essence practitioner, Aromatherapy and much more!

  •  25/05/2024 10:00 AM - 26/05/2024 04:00 PM
  •   Online

This workshop is for everybody who truly wants to understand the nature of Angelic Reiki and the gift that is the Archangel Metatron. This is a new body of work which reveals the in-depth spiritual principles that underpin the power of that which we call The Archangel Metatron. This is a divine invitation to Discover the principles of The Angelic Kingdom of Light, the sacred esoteric wisdom in which Angelic Reiki is based upon as well and developing new healing methods, tools and understating of your work with the Angelic Kingdom of Light. This is an opportunity to experience a profound development of your work as healers and teachers enabling you to practice and teach from a place of powerful authenticity. Included in the workshop: Opening a Workshop & Clearing the space Michael Karma Cutting Meditation & Clearing Healing Methods to develop Angelic Reiki further Etheric Body Healing & Spherical Healing A new healing method- Cleansing All The Chakras The role of the healer for Angelic Reiki In Death And Dying The Four Elements Ascension Changes- working with the changes Enhancing your Healing Sessions with becoming a clear channel to the divine Sacred Geometry and Platonic Solids for Healing & Personal Mastery- Healing methods The Platonic Solids of Metatron The Spiritual Hierarchy of The Angelic Kingdom Archangels & Ascended Masters- Detailed Guidance Ritual and Knowledge Esoteric wisdom in the knowledge of Master Crystals ,Rods Of Power, Rules And Laws Of Healing, Golden Pyramid of Light, The Ascension Flame & Description of the Seven Rays. Metatron- detailed information: A powerful new angelic attunement to the Merkabah Ascension Activation Crystal Layout Healing Method & More This workshop is a gift, a promise of developing and ascending your sacred knowledge of healing, teaching and understanding of Angelic Reiki to a new level.

  •  12/04/2024 05:00 PM - 14/04/2024 04:00 PM
  • Location: To Be Announced

This workshop imparts the unique system of healing that is Angelic Reiki and is taught over two and a half days. Students are attuned to 1st and 2nd Degree Angelic Reiki and a number of treatment methods are taught. The student gains ‘hands on’ experience in the healing methodology and learns how to attune healing tools. The attunements – which connect students with Healing Angels who will then work with each individual on a permanent basis – incorporate Reiki symbols attuned through the Angelic vibration. These symbols were given to humanity by St Germain at the time of Atlantis.

  •  10/02/2024 10:00 AM - 12/02/2024 04:00 PM
  •   Online

Angelic Reiki Master Level Workshop: This workshop is available to those holding an Angelic Reiki Level 1&2 certificate and who are ready to progress to the next stage, either for personal development or to teach Angelic Reiki. This workshop is taught over three full days and is a powerful experience which lays the ground for the incoming Galactic Energy of Ascension. It awakens the Divine within and participants receive a wave of love emanating from the Heart of the Galaxy. It places students in their own spiritual power and knowledge of themselves as the Ascended Masters they truly are.

  •  29/01/2024 07:30 PM - 29/01/2024 09:30 PM
  •   21 Pinewood Way, St Leonards on Sea TN38 9RR

This is a beautiful new healing Circle that the Female Archangels have asked me to bring forward for 2024. The Female Archangels are here for humanity as we transition into the new Golden Age. They are here, amongst other things in order to aid the balance of energies at this time. They have asked me to create a Circle of Light (their name) in order to bring each Archeia forward and share their beautiful energies, wisdom and healing. You will learn about the Archeia and how you may work with them. You will imbibe their channeled essence. You will receive a channeled message of love from the Archeiai You will receive direct healing from them This is a chance to gather in Circle and meet those of similar ilk in a place of Divine Unconditional love. We begin with beautiful Archeia Aurora, twin flame of Archangel Uriel and we will be working on healing our Solar Plexus Chakra amongst other things! This will be hosted by Cheryl, Angel Medium, Channel and Advanced Essence Practitioner who has been working with these beautiful beings for many years.

  •  25/01/2024 07:30 PM - 25/01/2024 09:30 PM
  •   21 Pinewood Way

Come together with other like-minded women at each full and new moon as we join in a nurturing environment to share our hopes, dreams, fears and whatever we need to express in a non-judgmental arena. Moon Dates for 2023: January 6th Full Moon, 21st New Moon February 5th Full Moon, 20th New Moon March 7th Full Moon, 21st New Moon April 6th Full Moon, 20th New Moon May 5th Full Moon, 19th New Moon June 4th Full Moon, 18th New Moon July 3rd Full Moon, 17th New Moon August 1st & 31st Full Moon, 16th New Moon September 15th New Moon, 29th Full Moon October 14th New Moon, 28th Full Moon November 13th New Moon, 27th Full Moon December 12th New Moon, 27th Full Moon

  •  17/01/2024 07:30 PM - 17/01/2024 09:00 PM
  •   Pinewood Way, Hastings, Saint Leonards-on-sea, UK

Come and enjoy the beautiful frequency that is Angelic Reiki. Join Angelic Reiki Practitioners and other beautiful souls to participate in a beautiful guided meditation and then receive Angelic Reiki healing. Angelic Reiki is unlike any other Reiki modality, it is one of the highest frequencies available to us.

  • £33
  •  15/01/2024 07:30 PM - 15/01/2024 09:30 PM
  •   Online

Traditionally at this time of year, at Samhain or Halloween the Celts would turn inwards and start to look at what was inside of them in order to heal and integrate it so that when Beltane came they could start to manifest more clearly their hopes and desires. We will journey into our inner world and psyche with the help of six Dark Goddesses in order that when we emerge from our period of inner contemplation we are transformed for the better. The journey for the month includes a two hour workshop with myself to introduce and journey with the Goddess and you will be given a manual and a channeled essence from the Goddess herself. These are extremely powerful and help you work with the Goddess in whichever way she chooses to work with you for your Highest Good. You will have the support of myself and the lovely Caroline Mouran; A BACP qualified Counsellor. You will be part of a Whatsapp group where you may share and seek support for your journey.

  •  11/01/2024 07:30 PM - 11/01/2024 09:30 PM
  •   Pinewood Way, Hastings, Saint Leonards-on-sea TN38 9RR, UK

Come together with other like-minded women at each full and new moon as we join in a nurturing environment to share our hopes, dreams, fears and whatever we need to express in a non-judgmental arena. Moon Dates for 2024: January 11th New Moon in Capricorn, 25th Full Moon in Leo February 9th New Moon in Aquarius, 24th Full Moon in Virgo March 10th New Moon in Pisces, 25th Full Moon in Libra Lunar Eclipse April New Moon in Aries Solar Eclipse, 24th April Full Moon in Scorpio May 8th New Moon in Taurus, 23rd Full Moon in Sagittarius June 6th New Moon in Gemini, 22nd Full Moon in Capricorn July 5th New Moon in Cancer, 21st Full Moon in Capricorn August 4th New Moon in Leo & 19th Full Moon in Aquarius September 3rd New Moon in Virgo, 18th Full Moon in Pisces October 2nd New Moon in Libra, 17th Full Moon in Aries November 1st New Moon in Scorpio, 15th Full Moon in Taurus December 1st New Moon in Sagittarius, 15th Full Moon in Gemini & New Moon in Capricorn 30th December

  •  09/12/2023 11:00 PM - 09/12/2023 05:00 AM
  •   Wellington Square, Hastings, UK

Come and connect to the energies of the Angelic Kingdom and the four Archangels: Gabriel, Jophiel, Raphiel and Chamuel this Christmas. You will spend a beautiful day with these Archangels, connecting and learning about each Archangel and taking away a beautiful vibrational essence that has been attuned to their energies.

  •  02/12/2023 10:00 AM - 03/12/2023 04:00 PM
  •   Online

Soul Midwifery for Angelic Reiki Death can eclipse and shatter everything, but when a death is good the room is filled with peace and all the pain that went before it is forgotten; where there was mystery there is knowledge and where there was fear there is love – this is the work of the Soul Midwife The intention of this course is not only to teach and share powerful knowledge, but also to inspire and equip those who are called in the most holy way, for the essential work of caring for the dying with our angelic and celestial hosts. This workshop has been designed for Angelic Reiki healers who want to work with people at the end of life, support those to cross the sacred threshold, care for the spirit and support the journey before and after death. Helping dying people experience a good death is the work of the Master Healer in the 21st Century This workshop will gift you with: Creating sacred space and working with spirit guides The sacred stages of the death process Soul Rescue work – clearing spaces, people and energy Meta Breath Healing – powerful new healing methods with Archangel Metatron Divine ritual work with the Archangels and Ascended Masters Anointing, Chakra, Sound and Energy techniques Deep Meditation, Cord Cutting and Forgiveness work Esoteric wisdom about the death and dying process Comprehensive timelines on working with clients And more Helping dying people experience a good death is the work of the Master Healer in the 21st Century

  •  25/11/2023 10:30 AM - 25/11/2023 02:30 PM
  •   St Leonards On Sea, Hastings, Saint Leonards-on-sea, UK

This will be a beautiful day of healing with Mama Cacao and the Archeia whom are the Divine Feminine Archangels and the twin flames of the Archangels. They have been submerged under the Patriarchal systems for millennia and now are being re-membered as the Divine Feminine rises. Come and journey with them and Mama Cacao in sacred ceremony. Cacao is a sacred food which the Ancients knew to be soul healing and insightful for soul journeying. Cheryl is a psychic medium, crystal and flower essence practitioner, Cacao Ceremonialist, trained English teacher and holder of sacred healing space. She is also an Angelic Reiki Master and Angelic Medium. She is so excited to hold this sacred space for you as your sacred journey unfolds.

  •  16/08/2023 05:00 PM
  •   Online

August forms three Moon meetings as opposed to the usual two in a Moonth. I am also unable to deliver the New Moon meeting in person and so I am going to prepare a beautiful New Moon ceremony and record it. Please therefore ignore any timings. I will record this ceremony soon and it will include a beautiful guided meditation in the Quantum Field with Goddess Rhiannon and the White Lions and Sekhmet. You will be prompted with journalling and reflective questions as part of the recording which will be sent out via Zoom before the 16th August to all those who have paid for it. I know that it will be as close to magical as it can be in person rather than alone.

  •  15/08/2023 11:00 AM - 15/08/2023 02:00 PM
  •   Perth, UK

This is a beautiful workshop of co-creating with Nature and learning all about Flower and Vibrational essences. Learn about how flower essences are effective and how they work. Come on a magical meditation to meet with a flower and co-create your own essence blend to support you in your current intentions. There couldn't be a better time for this as it is very close to Summer Solstice. You will take away your own unique essence blend.

  •  05/08/2023 10:00 AM - 05/08/2023 04:00 PM
  • Location: To Be Announced

This is the time of celebrating the Corn Mother, Demeter, Ceres. It is a time of celebration and a time to reap all that you have sown both literally traditionally and also metaphorically too. Learn all about this special day as you attune to the seasons of Mother Earth herself and move with her rhythm. We celebrate abundance at this time and at this celebration so if your harvest is looking poor then let us do something about it here. There will be a cord cutting ceremony. We will look at the old ways and why and how this was celebrated. We will manifest more abundance as we show gratitude for all that we have received. We will journey with Oak essence and the other flowers and herbs of this time of year. We will honour the Grain Mother and all the other associated deities. We will also honour ourselves. We will celebrate Mothers and Fathers and do inner child healing, giving self-love where needed. We will make a corn dolly and other traditional crafts. We will dance, meditate, journal and celebrate the harvest, feasting on traditional Lammas foods. Would you like to join us?

  •  30/07/2023 07:30 PM - 30/06/2023 09:00 PM
  • Online Event

Do you feel you need a salve of high vibrational positive energies? Let's be honest; who doesn't in the current climate! You do not need to be attuned to Angelic Reiki in order to participate in this online share. We will begin with a beautiful meditation with an Archangel, Galactic or Ascended Master and from there everyone will give and receive Angelic Reiki healing using the third eye method of healing. This is an excellent chance to give and receive healing and for practitioners to practice. whilst receiving an Angelic boost too. I look forward to welcoming you.

  •  20/06/2023 07:30 PM - 20/06/2023 10:00 PM
  •   St Leonards On Sea, Hastings, Saint Leonards-on-sea, UK

Have you ever wished to come together with like minded women and celebrate Nature and the Seasons in Sacred Circle. We will be coming together as women have done for millennia on the magical Midsummer Night's eve. We will gather around the firepit and share stories, take part in sacred nature ritual, imbibe and journey with essences and other surprises. This magic will go into the night to see the sunrise as is the tradition at this time of night. This is optional as we will finish circle by 9.30 pm but for those that would like to stay and celebrate the sunrise we can have a magical camping either inside or outside and then rise for celebrations at sunrise. Bring your drums, musical instruments if you like. You are of course welcome to go home and rejoin in the morning. This is a magical time and we will be very close to the Fae and meeting with the Fairy Queen in meditation. There are plenty of other surprises ....for those of you who know me!! Please bring a plate to share if you feel called. I look forward to welcoming you at Beltane!

  •  18/06/2023 10:00 AM - 18/06/2023 04:00 PM
  •   Rolvenden, Cranbrook TN17 4PL, UK

I am really excited to be hosting this beautiful Elemental Day's retreat as part of a series of events that I will be hosting at the beautiful space that is Cherry Garden Nursery. It is also being offered at a very special introductory price. We will be within the orchard and the adjacent woodland connecting with the Elementals and participating in beautiful relaxing and traditional Celtic festivities for this special time of year. If you want to learn more then please read on: